Well, anyways, I guess I wanted to let you all know I feel some momentum rolling through my heart and genitals, so this poetry thing can get on its way now. So here is part one of the featured poem which shares the title of the book. Its form is a mixture of William Carlos Williams breath meter with that of Whitman. I want the work to constantly evolve, based entirely on performance. A poem is never entire unless heard out loud.
It is structured in a way that each performance is entirely different. The poem is based highly on improvisation. When read aloud, it should breathe in and out and reach certain moments of intense release. These moments actually deconstruct grammer in a way to disorient the listener. The effect can't be reached simply on paper. Let me know what you think. This poem will not be complete until I die....
Well, it seems html is never a good tool for poetry. It won't register blank space without " " tag....ugh. Its so frustrating. No wonder all our poems are becoming so vertical.
Well, until i figure it out, I guess I will share a much shorter poem I wrote tonight...I will figure out how to fix this soon.
This one is called "Naked Walkin' Blues Poem #1,2,and3"
When the electric monks come to take you
with their portable souls and
cellular phones,
I'll tell em' all to get the hell outta' here
You left their God out in the snow.
And when your taxpaying father
can no longer breath or smile
under the lampshade of sky
I'll tell him we went out walkin'
beneath the naked sun.
And when its me who finally gets busted
knockin' over banks out in the dust
I'll tell em' you put me up to it
with your hair and your smile.