Thursday, 30 September 2010

First Post

Its easy to blog for a first impression, knowing that maybe one or two people will actually stumble across this post. No pressure. This is Austin Givens, the God of this blog at the moment. I created this thing to share my power (that is to create witty blogs about writing/poetry/art/music/what have you) with those who I think can utilizes its awesome power to generate more traffic. Simply put, we love to share our art with new people. Some of us prefer like-minded individuals, other prefer to pull a few beard hairs once in a while. Either way, I hope that our community can grow and expand through the interweb. Not because we want more hits. We just want to meet and get to know like-minded people willing to banter with us. The whole idea of receiving thousands of e-mail submissions with no real means of connecting on a personal artistic level is just a bit daunting and devilish to us. Hopefully, we can maintain a community here, with regular contributors, and some new comers along the way. And if you just want to keep up with the whole gang of outlaws and despots that contribute, feel free to subscribe. Hopefully content will be fresh, new, relevant, and subversive: something that tastes a bit like licorice and burns like hell, Add as many sugar cubes as you would like!

Welcome, and thanks for visiting Absinthe Spoon Press